Backlash, Backsplash, and Bullshit
Last year at this time I was in Vegas, bowling. That was also the very last time I picked up a bowling ball, but that’s not my point…
Last year was also the last year I will ever allow another person to make me lose my sense of gravity. Standing alone is so much easier than standing on broken foundations of other peoples insecurities. Friendships or otherwise.
Life takes sharp turns and detours. Stay tuned for the breakdown. Literally 😉
With the breakdown though, came so much clarity. I’ve spent so many hours of my life being confused and complacent. Trying to bend so I don’t break. Lately though? When something breaks, I leave those people and pieces on the ground.
I will no longer be setting myself on fire to keep other people warm.
Burning with you so you won’t burn alone, is no longer my default setting. These days, it’s catch me while I care. For so long, I’ve cared enough for so many people at the expense of caring for myself.
I matter in this world too; to other people and MOST importantly? These days, to myself. I have worked SO fucking hard to get here.
The only way out is through. I am 💯 through with entertaining nonsense.
Happy hotter girl summer! From… not Vegas. ✌🏻💅🏻✌🏻
Until Next time,
‘She had very little to lose and she was fierce as fuck, too’